Sing Baby, Sing

Children don’t care how you sing, just that you sing! – Ann McKitrick Infants and children LOVE music! Whenever music starts playing or someone starts singing you are bound to see a child nodding their head, babbling along with it or even succumbing to full blown dance mode! Not only is music fun but studies have […]

Creative Movement in Circle Time

You’re reading this wonderful book during circle time… Pause right at that crucial moment in the story when the tree goes boom boom and all the little letters fall down. Ask children to stand up and make themselves into a letter.  Start with simple ones like a t, or an r…  Then ask them to […]

The Benefits of Circle Time in Your Classroom

Circle Time is Just Plain Fun! Coming up with fun and educational activities that can reach all ages can be a daunting task for any childcare worker. If you are looking to put new life back into your classroom, give circle time a try! Circle time is unique because you have the ability to incorporate […]

Planning a Successful Circle Time

With all of the fun and educational benefits of implementing circle time in your classroom, you are probably ready to start your own. If you have never done circle time before, it is a good idea to start slowly as your students may need time to adjust to group activities. Here are a few tips […]

Creating Circle Time Content: Telling Stories

Adding circle time to a classroom’s activities can be a great way to enrich the everyday teaching experience. If you are looking for a way to help boost your students’ imaginations and communication, telling stories as part of circle time can help with that. Research tells us that storytelling is “perhaps the most powerful way […]